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  • What are the prices for your services?
    Prices are as follows: New Procedure Ombré Eyebrows - $690 Alluring Eyeliners - $690 Luscious Lips - $790 Touchup Procedure (4-6 weeks after New Procedure) Ombré Eyebrows - $100 Alluring Eyeliners - $100 Luscious Lips - $100 Annual Touchup Procedure (12-18 months after New Procedure) Ombré Eyebrows - $420 Alluring Eyeliners - $420 Luscious Lips - $480 Tax is not included in any of those prices.
  • What services do you offer?
    We offer beauty enhancement services. Permanent Makeup Ombré Eyebrows Luscious Lips Alluring Eyeliners We also offer correctional works, pigmentations of non-conventional areas such as aureloas, hairline or scar-tissue correction. Esthetician services Non-micro/steam facial Microderm with facial 30 Micro session Organic peel Facial with organic peel And much more.
  • What makes me a qualified candidate?
    In order to be a qualified candidate and check off all the norms for any procedure at our salon; - Be over 18 years of age. - Do not drink any caffeine the day of the procedure! - Be healthy (no illnesses that could impact our procedure in any way or the are of the skin that we would be working on) - Cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding. - Cannot be under a strict diet or detox for your body. - NOT under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the time of the appointment.
  • How do I book an appointment?
    The easiest and fastest way to book an appointment and conduct a pre-consultation is over the phone. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. Our experienced staff will be happy to assist you! 732-853-2544
  • Deposit disclaimer
    Please note that any deposit paid to the Permanent Makeup Center is NON-REFUNDABLE under no circumstances. Paying your deposit is an assumption of your willingness to book the time of an artist who could otherwise focus on another project. Deposits are movable however; in the case of rescheduling your appointment at last of 72 hours prior to the original appointment, your deposit travels with you to the newly confirmed date.
  • How long is the appointment?
    Unfortunately, not every skin is the same. Some require more attention to details - some less. For optimal results we ask that every client reserves a total of around 3 hours for our appointment. That includes everything - medical paperwok, consultation, pre-drawing, pigmentation and after-care explanation. We at Permanent Makeup Center reserve the right to keep our clients with us for a longer period of time - should the circumstances need it. The simplest rule of thumb is to not be in any rush around the time of the procedure.
  • How long will I keep the results?
    Assuming you take proper care of your brand new beauty feature, results can vary between for up to 6 years. Most of our clients decide to stay up to the newest standards of beauty industry and choose to opt-in for an annual touch up. Price of an annual procedure is between $420-$480. Remember, you are the ultimate judge of time and it is up to you to decide how quickly we should meet again!
  • Do I need to prepare for an appointment?
    Yes! First and foremost, we ask that you agree with our terms below: 1. Your health/skin condition is in good shape. 2. You are NOT under a doctor's care or taking antibiotics. 3. You are NOT pregnant/nursing. 4. You are at least 18 years old. 5. You are NOT currently detoxing your body/restrictively dieting. 6. You are NOT planning on or taking the COVID-19 vaccine within 2 weeks of any procedure at are salon. 7. At the time of appointment you are NOT feeling unwell, sick or otherwise impaired in any way. Secondly - depending on the procedure - we ask that you do the following: Eyebrows: Exfoliate your eyebrows 3-4x a week using your favorite method before the appointment. It could be your facial scrub, aloofah, even a toothbrush. Possibilities are endless. We want to make sure that dead skin cells are not in the way during our procedure. Lips: We need to get those lips as hydrated as possible! Our two favorite methods of hydration are raw, organic honey on your lips before bed every night. You will lick it off during your sleep, however; lips will absorb all of the good nutrients that they're begging for. Second is Burt's Bees chapstick at least 7-8x daily! If you are a frequent cold-sore breakouter, you may want to think about protecting yourself using anti-viral preventative medication such as Valtrex or Accyclovir. One other that we may recommend is Heviran. The choice is yours. 800mg - 1 gram of medicine daily 3 days before the appointment, during, and 3 days after will almost guarantee a break-out free procedure time. Eyeliners: You need to keep your eyes as clear as possible. Stay away from fake lashes, serums, mascaras and different eyelash/eyeliner enhancement products. IMPORTANT! You can NOT drink caffeine-infused drinks at least 12 hours prior to the appointment. You can NOT drink alcohol-infused drinks at least 24 hours prior to the appointment. You can NOT be taking COVID-19 Vaccine 2 weeks prior OR 2 weeks after any procedure with us. Unofficial news are circulating the permanent makeup industry about excessive swelling when micropigmentating a recently vaccinated or about-to-be vaccinated person(s) and we would rather not take our chances.
  • I have previous microblading/permanent makeup done. Can you fix it?
    There is no easy answer to this, therefore - it depends. We specialize in correcting other artists' work for many years now. Sometimes the damage can be too hard even for us - and we may suggest alternative removal services. Contact us with a picture of your pigmented area to find out whether you qualify for a correctional work at our salon. Please not that correctional work is not priced at the same level as original work and is priced slighlty more. Correctional work requires the artist to spend more time, materials and skill in order for it to come out better.
(732) 853-2544

©2021 Permanent Makeup Center. 

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